Training Programs

Training Programs

Hospital has also organized training programs for the teachers, community and social workers. The object for this program is to sustain the eye health education for the betterment of society. The training program includes various modules for teachers and health workers like; meetings, demonstration, practical etc. In this process parents are also equally participated.

Awareness Campaign

To raise awareness of avoidable blindness by impressing upon community mind The message: 80% of the world’s blindness is avoidable, every five seconds one person in our world goes blind and a child goes blind every minute.

Teachers and Parents Meetings
Railway Boards
Poster Exhibition
Pamphlet Distribution
Cable Network advertising
Celebration of Various Days


Hospital has very good collaboration with majorly 3 biggest maternity homes like KEM, Wadia and SION hospital for providing quality eye care treatment to the neonates from the NICUs of the hospital for ROP. Our hospital team visits these maternity homes / hospitals periodically and examines the new born babies for ROP and general eye problems. Babies with problems are referred for further check and treatment in KBHB Hospital. A NGO network is a structure between NGOs, Trusts, religious institutions, Youth and Mahila mandals. A network in health sector is an asset for relevant ties between the Beneficiaries and hospital facilities. These NGOs which were registered with us will refer patients to hospital directly with their letter. Currently hospital is linked with more than 100 NGOs / Organizations in Mumbai.